Her Mother's Day present was never easier to pick out. I bought both a learn to knit kit and a learn to crochet kit and a couple of balls of yarn and snuggled them inside a black handbag-not realizing this little gesture would mean so much. When she saw the handbag tears filled her eyes, "There are knitting needles in here, aren't there?" Suddenly the parallels occurred to me, I learned to knit after finding knitting needles in a black handbag. I was subconsciously starting her out the same way.
A few weeks later, she calls me from the road and asks if I am sitting down.
"Yes, why?"
"I just finished my first washcloth! All by myself!"
She then told me about the frustration of those first stitches. Her mantra "Amanda keeps saying this is relaxing. This is supposed to be relaxing. Why am I so tense." I reminded her that alcohol helps- alas that is not an option while she is on the road. Not only did she teach herself how to knit, she also taught herself how to crochet! She used both of the skeins of yarn I bought her and bought more as soon as she got home. She is speaking the language quicker than I thought! She prefers crochet to knitting so far, but I won't hold that against her.
While visiting her this week, she gave me that washcloth. There is no way I will ever use it to wash dishes, it has a place of honor on the table beside my knitting spot.
Just last night The Boy Wonder also learned to knit. When I got up this morning he was sitting on the couch knitting. Mama is so proud! He is pretty proud of himself as well!

Did I let him stay up past his bedtime to finish that last row? You bet I did!
Yeah!!! I so wish my mother would learn. I am still trying to get her too.
I love the fact your son is knitting too. I will show Mr. Stefon this post, he knits too.
What a great story. You must be so proud of your mom & your son! I love how you introduced your mom to it, especially, how symbolic.
That is sooo great! You are spreading the love of knitting. Good for you. I think it is so awesome that your son wants to knit. I wonder if mine would - he did a couple years ago. I will have to ask.
Hi :) My name is Carla, and I am a student from germany. I really enjoy reading your blog. Since it is gettin warmer and warmer over here, I decided to give my usual sweaters a summer rest and settle with something more appropriate/cooler. So I decided to give your lemon-cardigan a try. But when I wanted to have a look at the pattern, I had to notice that the page is missing. Would it be possible to upload it again? I really, really liked the pattern.
best regards from germany,
Carla :)
Carla, I am in the process of reworking the pattern since the demise of MagKnits. I will post it once it is finished.
My husband became a long haul trucker about the same time as your Mom. I've semi-jokingly (pun not intended) suggested he take up some sort of fiber therapy while out on the road. Perhaps I should give him a black handbag with a surprise tucked inside! Thanks for sharing your post, great read as always!
What a great story!
Oh, that is just the best story! Yay!
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