Yarn: My handspun (mill ends from Sheep Shed Studio wool/mohair) less than 1234 yds.
Needles: Size US5
Finished size: 16" X 7 feet
As for the slipper/boots I am knitting for The Boy Wonder, I finished the first garter stitch one in the car yesterday during our shopping excursion, realized I really don't like the fabric garter stitch makes and ripped the entire thing out. I started another in stockinette, but only have a few inches of the cuff,so again you will have to wait for those exciting pictures.
Ironically, in a matter of weeks I will be cursing these beautiful trees for dropping all these beautiful leaves that are bringing such a smile to my face this week...
I adore this tree covered acre...until it comes time to rake all the damn leaves!
The Girl Wonder loved this yarn I spun and dyed a month or so ago. Yesterday she started on a scarf for herself with it and has already knit 16"! Makin' her mama proud since 1996!
And since it would be unfair to post a pic with one of the kiddos and not the other, here is my little war monger..
I slept like
a baby before I had babies last night! Ahhh sweet relief!
The kind of shitty day that you know is gonna cost ya. To make matters worse a certain someone had a bit of a hangover because she is apparently getting too old to hold her liquor. The very friendly Roto-Rooter man informed me that the only way to resolve the problem was to remove my toilet and use his high powered auger and that it would cost $350 for him for him to do this and do I agree to the charges. To which I replied, "well what other choice do I have? I have to be able to flush! I NEED the water to flow down the drains!"
He neglected to mention that the high powered auger was loud as hell. Did I mention that my head was pounding and my stomach was churning? 45 minutes later the very kind Roto-Rooter man informed me that my pipes were too small and his loud ass equipment would not fit down to reach the clog. I almost cried. He then informed me that that he would have to install a new 2 way clean out in front of the house since the one in my crawlspace was too small to fit his big ass high power auger. Again, almost apologetically, he informed me that this would cost more. Much more. $550 dollars more. Again I replied meekly "what choice do I have?" "none" was his only reply. He then informed me he did not have the parts on the truck he needed and would have to go fetch them. Now my house smells like sewage, my stomach is churning, it is almost 4 in the evening, I have not peed all day long and I am about to spend almost a grand for some sweet relief.
The very nice Roto-Rooter man returns from his shopping excursion, fixes the pipe, informs me that tree roots are causing the blockage and it is a common thing this summer thanks to the drought. Then he springs this little gem on me.
"How do you feel about replacing your toilet in the master bathroom?"
I must have looked at him like he was crazy, I just knew he was trying to take advantage of me. "Why? Is it necessary?"
"Um, well, yes, because I accidentally broke it with my auger. But I will replace it free of charge."
No shit! I think to myself. sigh. "I guess I feel pretty good about replacing it then."
Imagine my delight, after the man was paid and gone for the day, that I discover these shmeggy auger marks on the walls of each bathroom (since he was using the machine in one room and managed to break through the toilet of the other one). I do not want to venture to guess what grossness lies within those smears. After scrubbing with bleach, I realize the only way I am going to to fix it is to sand the walls and repaint both bathrooms. Of course, it is behind the toilet and therefore the hardest part of the bathroom to reach.
At least it can't get any worse, and I have been wanting to paint the hall bathroom... <---that is me trying to look on the bright side.