First off, Thanks for all the happy 200th post wishes, y'all make it all worth it!
I hope you get through the day prank free! My kiddos surprised me by putting a frog in my sugar dish-the one I use to sweeten my coffee. These children have known me all their lives and know I am not a morning person, yet choose to mess with me before I have had one sip of coffee. Although the frog was but a toy, I was still none too thrilled. It was one of those toy bath frogs with the hole in the bottom so you can squirt water out of it. Which also means the entire inside stays wet and breeds lord only knows what kind of nasty bacteria. And it was sitting in my sugar dish leaking it's bacteria filled moistness all over my sugar. And it was first thing in the morning. And I have been suffering from insomnia yet again, so I was extra
bitchy bright-eyed and bushy tailed this morning. After seeing how
pissed excited I was to have been pranked first thing, The Girl Wonder reassured me they washed it before putting it there. I can't say that it made me feel much better... stupid "holiday"...
After my last post, Babette and I were monogamous for over an entire week! I managed to crochet the sixth section, seam them, and weave in most of the ends. It was then that I realized that I was fucking sick of weaving in ends and meticulously matching stitches to seam this bitch, and that it would only get worse as the sections got larger. I made the executive decision that I would just use the rest of the yarn to make the border. I had also used up a few of the colors and was having to substitute one color for another and wanted to avoid too much of one color in one section. As much as I loved seeing Babette grow, adding the border took it to an entire new level. IMHO, the border just makes this blanket. I still have a few balls of yarn to complete the border and I will be finished. It is just the right size to throw over my lap. I had to give it a rest because all the crochet was beginning to send shooting pains in my wrist and forearm.

Ever learn something through your knitting all by yourself that makes you feel like a genius? I did last week thanks to the humble
garterlac dishcloth. I taught myself, with no internet intervention, no pretty diagram in a book, no instruction what-so-ever how to knit backwards! I just felt so smart! I was happily bragging to The Gaming One, "I just learned to knit backwards! I am so smart!" His smart ass reply, "I thought you figured that one out a long time ago" as he makes a gesture much like frogging with wild abandon while laughing and poking fun, "look at me I can knit backwards! I am so smart." I think I may have told him to "kiss my ass" at that point.
Now I want to knit
Lady Eleanor.

This is the
Ballband washcloth I mentioned in my last post. So.damn.addictive.

I also made the
Knitted Lacy Round Cloth. I need 4 more washcloths to finish the "one for each day of the week" set I am making my sister for her birthday. Any suggestions?

I don't really know how to explain it, but last weekend I had the overwhelming desire to try to crochet something other than a square. After a quick Ravelry search I found the
Chanson in Crochet. I am using the Cascade Ecological Wool left over from the too small twinkletoes. For some reason I was thinking that these skeins were almost 600yds, however, I was mistaken and the are just under 500yds, so of course I am 7 rows from the end and I ran out of fucking yarn. Just perfect. Now I am reduced to begging everyone on Ravelry that has leftovers in their stash to please send it to me so I don't have to buy another skein for $16, just for a few measly rows. This seriously needs blocking, but I really think it is cute so far. Not too bad for one day of crocheting. I like it in wool, but I think it would be super cute in cotton.
The pattern is very easy to follow, even for a beginner (this is my first non-square crochet project) but for the love a sweet baby jesus make sure you download the errata from Interweave because 12 of the 27 rows contain mistakes. Again, thanks to Ravelry, I was prepared.
My baby Girl turns 12 in two short days, boy how the time flies (and makes me feel old).