Although I have been quiet, I have been busy fiber-wise. I am splitting my time spinning and reknitting Lemonade v.2. A few weeks ago I dyed some mill ends from the Sheep Shed Studio using food coloring and the oven. I prefer to dye then spin because I do not get as bored spinning colored roving as I do solid color roving. There are many tutorials of how to do this online, so I won't go into all the details. I usually use the microwave to dye but have noticed that the roving seems to get a little dry and felted (and I did not have any plastic wrap) so I decided to give the oven method a try. I wanted consistent color repeats, so I arranged the roving in the roasting pan like so...
Then I gently poured water/vinegar until the roving was just barely covered. I carefully squirted the dye on each section, smushing the roving to make sure the dye made it all the way to the bottom layer, leaving a bit of white space between to allow the colors room to spread.
I covered the pan with foil, cooked for about an hour, let cool and had lovely roving ready to be spun (after it dried, of course!). The resulting roving felt much softer than my previous dying attempts, and is much easier to spin as well.
I split the roving so I could start each bobbin with the same color, so when I ply I will end up with long color repeats. I have one bobbin finished, and am about a third through the second one.
Happy Blogiversary!! I love your blog! The spinning looks like fun, I'm really into all the yummy colors
Happy Blogiversary! Love the dyeing/spinning...may have to try that one day!
Happy Blogiversary! The roving looks lovely. I can't wait to see it all finished. Thanks for the tip on heating in the oven. I usually use the microwave and hate that slightly felted texture that happens, will try the oven next time.
Happy Blogiversary!!! I am so happy you blog, you give me plenty inspirations!! I love the colors can't wait to see the finished product - the color looks awesome. Have fun on your date.
Happy Blogiversary! I have always enjoyed your blog. The roving looks great! I am always amazed at how different it comes out once spun. Can't wait to see how yours "spins" out!
Happy Blogiversary!! You know I've enjoyed reading your blog! I've also enjoyed the emails. I started spinning again too. I haven't tried dying yet. I have some dye that I purchased at Maryland Sheep and Wool, but I'm not ready to take that leaped yet. Who knows, maybe this year. You know you inspire me.
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