Thursday, June 28, 2007

summer knitting is slow knitting

Now that it is officially summer my knitting motivation has decided to go on vacation. I guess all knitters go through it, but I feel disconnected and do not know what to do with myself. I sit down to knit, maybe finish a few rows then get distracted. At a snail's pace I have finished the first 12" square for each of The Super Twins blankets. Their Mom ended up not being able to have the procedure I mentioned in my last post due to her placenta being in the wrong position. Unless the placenta shifts by her next visit to Philly she will more than likely have to end the life of one twin to save the other or risk losing them both. So still I knit as there is nothing else I can do. I mean what can I possibly say to make her feel better or to make her decision easier? Not a damn thing. I also finally finished the Interweave lace nightie today. I made quite a few mods to it, but I will talk about those tomorrow after it is finished blocking and I can take some pictures.

I am participating in a Roving Swap over at and received 100% cotton roving. I can not for the life of me spin kinda feels like I am trying to spin dryer lint. I am the type of person that prefers to be good at something or not do it at all and I am not good at spinning this cotton. So anyone have any tips?


Lara said...

I am feeling the same way you are with knitting. Maybe a bit disconnected, but so busy.

I have absolutely no tips on how to spin cotton. I have seen it done and I know it is very difficult....but just keep at it! You are talented and you will get it.

Erin said...

I've been checking frequently for an update on the Super Twins. I'll be praying for some movement of the placenta.

No help with the spinning--good luck!

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about summertime knitting; same thing over here. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend--I know you probably don't feel as if you can do anything, but listening will help her. Just being there.