Happy 2008 Y'all! The past few weeks have been a blur with all the Christmas and New Year's festivities. Christmas was the most relaxed that I have had in 20 years. Everything just fell into place and I did not once have the feeling that I needed to be everywhere at once. On Dec. 26 I packed up all the decorations, took down the tree and threw away all the wrapping paper and packaging from the kiddos presents. The Gaming One was very surprised when he got home from work and everything was back to normal.
With all the festivities (and baking and truffle making) I was just too tired to knit. I am ten rows away from finishing the Swallowtail Shawl, so I should have that to show y'all in a few more days. I also have finished a little something for my niece's birthday but want to take a few pictures of her with it (on Sunday) before I blog about it.
I am anxiously awaiting the beginning of
Secret of the Stole II on January 18. You should all go right now and sign up. If the first secret stole (the 51 page pattern is available
here) was any indication, this one should be just as good!
DK the Nautical Knitter writes fantastic patterns and just seems to be an all around nice person (and there are prizes! Who doesn't like prizes?!)

Other than that I plan on finishing up all my projects on the needles before starting anything else. The list is not too long, but should keep me busy for some time.
- Swallowtail Shawl
- Modified Somewhat Cowl
- Babette Blanket
- Fish afghan
- kitchen rug
- garterlac dishcloth
I wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year! May your needles be draped in cashmere (except for you vegans- may your needles be draped in a lovely bamboo or organic cotton), may you never drop a stitch, misread a pattern, or spill a staining drink in your knitting bags!