Noro Kureyon
a canyon sunset revealed
muted yet vibrant.
later...I have made up my mind to start over and use the above knitted bit as a swatch...felted and everything...
I am about 10 rows away from the first dropped stitches on MIL Clapotis, so y'all know I am getting excited about that, but I am really putting the finishing touches on my stalker swap package. All sent.
I really hope my person likes their package. I am trying to take pictures of everything before I send and will post when appropriate. I am also joining the Sexy Knitters in knitting the Somewhat cowl for Trucker Mamma for Mother's Day.
I love this and must do it for The Girl Wonder's 10th birthday on the 3rd! Snack Cake Sushi
I am in the Sistah Friends Knitting Ring thanks to Emmie. I am looking forward to getting to know those gals...
I have also been working on the Shaped Jacket from w05-06 Vogue Knitting. All was well until I realized that I fucked up my side shaping. Of course I did not realize this until I was to the armhole shaping...that ball of yarn is all the rows I frogged. I knit the back and to the armhole in about 5 days, but after noticing the mistake, I was just mad at it so I started something else...
...a Clapotis in alpaca...it is so light and fluffy warm, I am really gonna hate to give this away...And I would like to thank you Emms for the so smart suggestion of purling the stitches that are to be dropped instead of using stitch markers...I was having such a hard time keeping the stitch markers out of the way of the lightweight loveliness that is that alpaca!
I also started an amigurumi monkey for my saturday tea-time friend...
and like I do not have enough to do I decided a bit of SEX may do me right... some cotton Sugar 'n Cream for some dishcloths for my Momma. And some Paton's Classic Wool for a French Market Bag.
Oh, yeah, also waiting for me at the Post Office is yarn for a cardigan for Gaming One and yarn for the Silk Corset Top that I was just sooo sure would be the next KAL for the Sexy Knitters Club. Well, the sexy knitters picked two other tops instead, so I will be knitting Silk Corset all by my lonesome. I was really looking forward to joining the KAL but really do not think I would wear either of the tops that were choosen. Maybe next time...
I also cast on for the Shaped Jacket in the winter 05/06 issue of Vogue Knitting, but I am using up all that Lion Brand Jiffy I originally bought for the Hoover Blanket. I realize I will probably look like an Easter egg in it, because of the pastel, but I figure I can wear it at home, and if I really like it, I will buy some wool (alas, there will be no 17 balls of cashmere, which the pattern calls for, in my near future) and make it in a more suitable color. Besides, it is almost spring (12 more days Y'all!) and what better time to wear some crazy pastel colors that are usually only seen on small children-I am young at heart after all! It seems to be a quick knit, as I am to the armhole shaping on the back and I have only been knitting on it since Sunday night.
After seeing little monkey, The Girl Wonder has decided she *must* learn to crochet those cute little creatures so she can make them for all her family! -- I just love that child so much, she is the most caring person I think I have ever met. She is so grown up and mature (to only be 9yo) and I think she is the most well behaved child in all the state if not the South! I am not just saying that because she is mine either. How many 9 year olds do you know that would prefer to have sushi than McDonald's? Instead of a birthday party with lots of kids and cake, she wants to go to the Melting Pot (a fondue restaurant) with her closest family members. We did this last year and she said she wants to make it a tradition! We always kid her that her future boyfriend is going to hate us for cultivating a young woman with such expensive tastes! -- anyway, we sat together last night for over 30 minutes after The Boy Child went to bed and I showed her stitch by stitch how to crochet in the round so she could start the body. I treasured every minute, each yo, each single crochet while sitting side by side with her, elbows barely touching, passing on something I know she will remember the rest of her life. I realize we only have a few more short years before the lovely teen years rear their ugly head and she will no longer be my precious little girl, but be on her way to becoming a wonderful young woman. I am apprehensive about how our relationship may change while she is in her teens, but I can only hope that we have cultivated a close enough bond throughout her childhood that we will make it to her twenties and still maintain our close bond.
I am really happy with the inside as well, everything is so neat and flat. (ok, the photo upload gods are pissed at me so I cannot show you the pretty, flat floats across the inside*sigh*)
I also started a crochet elephant from a pattern found on Roxycraft. I have the body, head and both of the ears finished already, and I think he is going to be so cute! I think I am going to give up on the doublesided baby blanket for now, at least in the yarn I am using. I really like it but I really think it is going to wind up being too thick and hot. I will try again though with a lighter weight yarn, because I am in love with the technique!
On another note, I have a stalker! (I bet you would really like one of those "100 things about me lists" right about now, wouldn't you?!) Oh my! I finally joined a swap on craftster, and I have major craft jitters! I have a great person to stalk and I have lots of ideas! ssshhhhh! I just hope the special someone likes everything I make. So most of my crafty creativity will be directed towards my special craft partner instead of knitting for myself. I will not go into it all now (you never know who is looking) but promise to post pics after my package is sent at the end of the month!
Ok, stalker, since you have been so patient...100 things about me (1-10)
1. I am a down-to-earth, blue jean and t-shirt wearing southern girl.
2. I see no reason to ever be mean to anyone, ever. Karma is a big enough bitch without my help.
3. I try to see the silver lining of the cloud, no matter how dark the cloud.
4. I tell my friends what they need to hear, which is not always what they want to hear.
5. I read my horoscope everyday.
6. I am a taurus.
7. My favorite color is yellow, but I only have 2 yellow pieces of clothing-1 is a dress, the other is a skirt.
8. I like to drink alcoholic beverages, but not girly drinks.
9. I drink coffee with sugar and cream every morning.
10. I have 13 different types of hot tea in my cabinet.