I am planning to put the diamonds along the bottom, put fur on the cuffs and little black buttons down the front. Playing with the idea of a few decreases along the top of the sleeve to make little puffy shoulders. So far I am tickled pink y'all. (Y'all know I just realized that I have been spelling Y'all wrong all this time?! What kind of self respecting southern gal cain't spell y'all? - I am by no means the best speller in the world, but I hate to see things misspelled- even in chat it drives me crazy- I am sure my Momma is hanging her head in shame. Well, I have learned the error of my ways and vow to never spell y'all wrong again!)
Anyway, since I am a really nosy sort of gal, and really want to see where everyone is knitting I am sharing my cozy kniting place. If ya'll are reading this consider yourself tagged! I want to see your spots, too!
I think you can even see my assprint on the sofa! and just cause I know y'all are all dying to know what all that shit is....Purple folder and notebook hold all my patterns and ideas. Remote controls right where I can reach 'em. Red snuggly blanket (Thanks you MIL) to keep me nice and cozy. I put my yarn balls in the silver bowl to keep them clean and in one place while I am knitting. The beginnings of little sweater are on the needles. A few of my needles and a crochet hook to pick up stitches are in the cup for easy access, and the ever-present-while-knitting-at-night libation (tonight's selection is brought to you by Stoli and tonic with a slice of lime) is in front of the pink yarn. I actually knit that bag (from leftover yarn in my stash) hanging off the arm of the sofa to keep all my knitting things in one spot. And I know y'all all want my vintage 70's shag multicolored carpet....believe me it hides everything!
Well, ladies and gents, I must clean up today or The Gaming One is going to fire me, so I must back away from the computer and resist the temptation to sit and knit (have I mentioned I am childless today? and I have to spend it cleaning?! There is NO justice in this world!) Off to fold Mt. Washmore!
Pattern: Lolita Legs
Yarn: Cascade Yarns, Fixation (98.3% cotton, 1.7% elastic) 2 balls for size small and I only had about 6" leftover
Mods: I followed the pattern until I got to the leg portion, I just continued from there in Fishnet Patt 1 until piece measured 1" less than the measurement from heel to calf.( I also noted here how many pattern repeats I did so each leg would be identical. Count the holes) Then I did 1 set of increases on the back center of leg as follows -
needle 1:*YO, K2tog*
needle 2:*YO, K2tog* (4times)M1, YO, K2tog, (this is where the back center if leg would be, and it may be in a different place if you are much taller than I am) YO, K2tog, M1,*YO, K2tog* (4times)
needle 3:*YO, K2tog*
next row: K across
next row: needle 1:*YO, skp*
needle 2:*YO, skp* (4times)M1, K, YO, skp, (this is where the back center if leg would be, and it may be in a different place if you are much taller than I am) YO, skp, K, M1,*YO, skp* (4times)
needle 3:*YO, skp*
next row: K across
Continue working in fishnet pattern 1 until piece measures 2" below the knee (again note number of pattern repeats). Work 2 sets of increases, like above but make sure that the increases are on the center back of leg. This time mine happened to occur between needle 2 and needle 3.
Work Fishnet pattern 1 three more times.
*K,P* rib across 18 rows
eyelet row:*YO, K2tog*
K across next three rows and BO all stitches.
well, that seems about clear as mud...
Here is another pic of my favorite new sweater since I know ya'll all want to see it on me! Look Ma, no bra straps! I know she is so proud!
Well, Ya'll I am off to cast on a baby sweater that has been on my mind for the past few days, maybe I can finish it too before the end of the Olympics!
Wait a minute... a post with no curse words or mention of alcohol?? That just cannot fucking happen! Where is my damn drinky-poo?
here is the 411:
Pattern-Anthropologie-inspired capelet by Julsey723. I pretty much followed the pattern as far as cast on and needle size (I even knit a swatch!) I preferred the knit side of the fabric, so made it the right side of my work. I added a half an inch to the collar rib for the neck, and also added a few rows to the arms so the stripes would be the same width on the body and the sleeves. I also added some length to the body because 1)I had enough yarn and hate to have little bits left and 2)I wanted it to be a bit longer to cover a bit more. So I have more of a minisweater than a capelet. The bottom two stripes are also in k1p1 rib instead of just the few rows called for in the pattern. Great pattern and a super easy knit!
Yarn-Filatura Di Crosa Tweeddy 100% wool(the darker grey, I am not sure of exact color-perhaps the color was Tweedy as well),Colorado Yarns Vail 100% superwash wool(light grey), white mystery cotton yarn from MIL. Since I did not have enough of any one yarn in my stash, I decided stripes would be quite nice, of course the yarns that would make lovely stripes were not the same weight, so I decided to hold the Vail yarn with the mystery cotton for the lighter stripes.
Have I mentioned I love this sweater! I will make more of these maybe throw a little variation in there to keep it interesting hmmm...cables perhaps? This sweater was finished within a 24 hour time period so I have no excuse not to make more!
and here is day 5 progress....which would have been much more had I not had to frog two whole inches at 12:30 am after I realized I added a stitch...when I realized it my conversation with The Gaming One was something like this....
him:what happened?
me:I somehow added a stitch about two inches ago and now I have to pull out all I knit today. dammit!
him: well, don't you count your stitches after each row?
me:(icy stare in his direction)you would think so wouldn't you?!
argggggg oh well...after this I am going to be crowned Queen of Picking Up Stitches in Stretchy Black Yarn, but I think I may also be half blind by that time and have to knit with one of those magnifying glass contraptions that little old ladies that really are half blind use to cross stitch with. Ya'll it really is that hard on the eyes.
In completely unrelated knitting news...I got my first copy of Vogue Knitting today (my sister bought me a subscription for christmas) and besides the fact that it looks like someone had been chewing on it and the cover was creased all to hell, and yes it was still in the plastic, I was pretty excited to see it. I really liked a few of the patterns especially the yoke pullover and the trapper hat. There was also a shaped jacket I looooved, but if I knit it in the suggested yarns (17 balls Lang/Berroco Cashmere-Luxe and 12 balls Berroco lazer FX) I would be spending almost as much as my mortgage payment on yarn, for one project. Ok maybe not a mortgage payment but pretty damn close! I showed jacket to The Gaming One and he naively said...why don't you go ahead and order the yarn for it? It's really pretty! I just smiled and told him how expensive the yarn was...needless to say I am not going to be making it in the suggested yarn...well, off to get a blog fix before The Gaming One comes in from his yard work!